Tuesday, November 8, 2011

une journée à paris

What is that ugly thing plaguing our photo? It disgusts me. Hannah is fake smiling, hoping it will go away.


C'est comme ci, comme ça (It's like this, like that).


Okay, fine. We were actually a little bit happy (avec Sanazle, moi, et Hannah).


A red door and a new friend. We found Kylie!


Close up. I'm wearing: Hannah's new cape, the stolen white H&M dress, another one of KJB's mom's blouses, Hannah's tights, and my trusty boots. Thank you, Hannah.


Kylie Monet et son père- wearing scarves!


A big moment for Kylie's dad- his first scarf! And it looks so darn classy.


Matching father-daughter smiles and scarves. (Is it just me or should Kylie invest in a toothbrush?)


Each photo taken by the person who was not in the picture

This post has great advice on how to make an outfit transition from day to night: Change nothing but your game face. Why do you need all those subtle changes? You know- flats to heels, purse to clutch, normal to slutty. Just prepare yourself mentally to get shwasted have a glass of wine with dinner. Take a page out of our book and have a gay ol' time, like The Flintstones. Please, Wilma and Betty wore the same thing everyday; Fred and Barney never complained. Transitioning from day to night isn't as big of a deal as they make it out to be, unless you're headed to the senior prom. In which case, transition away. Basically, what I'm trying to say here is that we look good day and night. 

Onto more important things- like Kylie Monet's dad and his first scarf. Doesn't it look good? A man in a scarf is a man not to be reckoned with. Scarfs can take a man from plain and "man-like" to a man with style, class, and a warm ass neck. I learned the power of the scarf at an early age from my father, who has been rockin' a toasty collar bone since the '90s. Dads everywhere get trendy and get behind the manarf®.

Oh, I just realized I forgot to mention Paris. I really loved it, except for that weird, giant letter "A" that was everywhere (please refer to the first picture).


  1. hahahahahahah ahh noe connait strikes again, LOL's were plentiful
    my dad will probably throw his scarf in the air with excitement but quickly retrieve it due to a suddenly chilled neckal region

  2. It's Abigail, fuul. I thrive off noe connaitNovember 9, 2011 at 1:43 AM

    I can't say anything but how much I love you...
    This was AN EXCELLENT POST...!

    You have such a DEFINITE voice when you write, and it makes me miss you so much more!

  3. love your photos!

    i'm following! follow back :)



    would love to feature you on my blog!
