Friday, November 4, 2011

story time: berlin

This is photo documentation of our first day in Berlin, Germany. We left the hostel at 10:15 in the morning and got home at 2:30 in the morning. Productive day, indeed.


Preparing for the tour, Sanaz turbanizing, Noe Connaît style.


Meet our tour guide: Seb. Little did we know, Seb would take us on a tour we would never forget.


Brandenburg Gate and the fashion turban getting acquainted. Lady Victory nodding in approval.


There's Kylie and I. Kylie is an innocent bystander and I look an experienced bank robber.


Just in case you wanted a close up. Like I always say, 2 collars are better than 1.


Kylie was just a little cold. She wasn't wearing purple, under green, under black, under pink, under leather, and a beanie fit for making people afraid of her.

Onto part 2 of the tour:


The Pub. You can pour your own beer. Sorry daddy, I guess I've reached my twenties.


The foam was on purpose.


A little the beer and the turban comes off and we don't know where we are.

Part 3 or "The Vice Tour" as Seb called it. Invited to play poker at a dive bar? Why the hell not? (I apologize in advance for the quality of these photos- it is a little difficult to pretend you're not a ridiculous, picture obsessed tourist while using flash photography in an all-locals bar)


Little did we know, this was a serious poker tournament. Above is the big boys table and who is in the corner? 




For real though. I straight robbed the 3 men in this photograph and ended up in 4th place out of 14, essentially winning back my buy-in and making a profit of 8.50 euros.

Oh, Berlin. You were good to me. The basic moral of the story is to inform you that if there is a free tour in a German city- go on it, go out for drinks with your tour guide, get invited to play underground poker, don't get arrested, and then win. Just don't take the ginger shot.


    You are a poker MASTER. Teach me your ways when you're back cause I can't play for sheet.

    Your beanie is stinkin' cute, and you may need rehab for your layers addiction.


  2. you didn't drink those beers....did you?
