Tuesday, November 15, 2011

did you know i love berlin?


Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
This is not just a monument, it is art.


Goodbye America, Guten Tag Berlin!


That awkward moment when you ask a nice looking, random girl to take a picture for you and the random girl goes to UC Irvine, then she cuts the top of Brandenburg Gate off in said picture. Thank you, nice looking, not so random girl who should never become a photographer.


If you were indeed wondering what the top of the gate looked like, there's a large bird on top of Lady Victory's staff.


What's Germany's national sport? Invading Poland.


Does this hotel look familiar? It shouldn't. Unless you recall THIS happening, which you should.

Onto some style, Berlin style:


Kylie trending skirt over pants, did I talk her into that? As Mr. Big would say, "Abso_@^#%_lutely."


Layering scarves. 2 out of the 12 layers I wore that day.



I know you wanted a close up: 2 of Kylie's scarves, leather jacket, Kylie's chambray shirt, Cody's mom's gold sweater and collared shirt, a black long sleeved shirt, jeans, tights under jeans, red socks, small socks to keep my toes warm, and boots.


Why are we models?


The wall. When they said it fell in 1989, they were lying. It's still there; the only difference is now you don't get shot in the face trying to get into West Berlin.

Have I mentioned I went to Berlin? Have I mentioned I loved it? Oh yeah, just here and here, too and to everyone I've ever talked to after going to Berlin and now in this post. Do you all understand now? Yeah, I don't either. I guess I just have an unexplainable attraction to the TV tower.

In other news, I have successfully enabled Kylie and Sanaz to get addicted to layering, as you can see in this post. I promise the extremely cold weather had nothing to do with it. Layering is a serious addiction and an expensive habit. Okay, not really. It's pretty easy to do on a budget:

Step 1- Put all of the clothes you own on your body one layer at a time.
Step 2- Ignore the snide remarks and curious expressions.
Step 3- Create a blog and pretend you know something about the art of layering.

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