Wednesday, November 16, 2011

capes and leaves


Chillin' in some foliage


Does it look like I have wings?


How bout now?


Photos taken by the camera's auto timer

Black cape- vintage, blue dress- vintage, tights, and boots- Steve Madden

Well, there are two (possibly three) alarming things about this post. The obvious first is that yes, I did indeed resort to auto timer while all of my friends were out of the country. I believe this just shows serious blogging dedication and not a ridiculous amount of self absorption and embarrassment. I can't wait to post the outtakes, actually I'll probably wait at least until I'm dead. The second, not so obvious, alarming thing is the cape. Or is it a cape? No, no it is not. Ready for a DYI DIY? (Dad, that means "do it yourself") Take your most awkwardly lengthened maxi skirt and put it around your neck. (Dad, please don't do this yourself) I'm being real here, I am definitely wearing a skirt around my neck. I warned you that pure insanity creativity would commence. The third possibly alarming thing? That blue "dress" is actually a skirt. Oops. . . but did you notice?

Today's serious life lesson:


We must learn . . .


. . . to appreciate . . .


. . . beauty.


  1. BAHAHAHAHA. So creative. Also it's "DIY"...

  2. Very impressed by the whole skirt wing thing!
    Susan G
