Tuesday, September 6, 2011

top knotting in lyon

girlfriend caught me off guard, but check out those glasses  

je parle français dans le téléphone, obvi

oh bonjour, salut, comment ça va?

wait.. what? how did that get in this post?
Photos of me taken by française Kylie

une chemise sans manche- Cody's maman, un short- vieux jean de mon frère, le sac- a trouvé dans la maison d'Harry ass Potter, et des chaussures- toms 

Here is the top knot's debut in France, specifically Lyon. Top knotting is super convenient when you live in France and are too lazy to take a shower flittering about a hot city. Putting a giant bun on top of your head really helps to beat the heat, makes mornings easier (I'm pretending I brush my hair here), and can actually look somewhat fashionable. The top knot and France get along quite nicely and will probably get together for coffee again after I don't shower for 2 days. Enough about hair, how cool are those glasses? Do they have lenses? Am I near-sighted or far-sighted? Did the green light from Voldemort's wand ruin my eyes at a young age? You tell me.

P.S. If you don't read french or aren't smart enough to put french into google translate, I made the shorts in the above photos with a pair of scissors and a nice brother who lets me steal his jeans from 2004 and his uniforms from Disneyland. If you ask me, I'm doing him a favor.


  1. Votre préférée Kylie?September 7, 2011 at 10:21 AM


  2. Thank goodness you took your glasses to Lyon! I was worried that you wouldn't be able to read anything!

  3. Elles respirent la joie de vivre ces photos! De même que ton haut avec les couleurs, j'aime beaucoup!
