Monday, February 13, 2012

i miss going outside

Flashback to last semester. A Friday afternoon in November by the river on a beautiful day with Kylie Monet, who of course took these pretty photos. I was playing with my "cape", which consequently doubles as a blanket. I miss those times when I could go play outside in the city. These days, I have the privilege of dealing with this:
PhotobucketAre you kidding? I can ice skate in the Hotel de Ville fountain? It's just not okay. And I feel so bad for those poor horses who froze to death trying as hard as they could to gallop into to the nearest fireplace.
PhotobucketAs for me, I've surrendered to the cold and now wear 36 layers whenever leaving the apartment (which I guess is nothing new). I'm forced to enjoy indoor activities, like museums. Luckily, having a staring contest with the scariest man in the Musée des Beaux-Art never gets old.


  1. Ummmm is it just me or could that cape also double as Elphaba's skirt.....

  2. ^^ hahaha kylie is funny. comes with the territory (..of being named kylie, clearly)
    anywayzz im SO happy to finally see these pics! they're my favorite of you :)

  3. Your blog makes me want to venture to France. x

  4. love your blog, it has lots of personality which is nice to see! thanks for your comment! xxx
