Wednesday, October 5, 2011

apologies and the blue door



Oops.. I was too lazy to shower again? No problem, high pony tail Blake Lively braid.


How did Serena Williams' calves get on Noe Connaît?


I should probably retract earlier statements and take up modeling.


I mean really.. Serena? Williams or Van der Woodsen? You choose.


I'm just so blind without my glasses!


Photos of me taken by Kylie Monet

la robe- A Weekend in Paris Boutique, la camisole- la mère de americane Kylie, et des talons- Guess

I know. One. post. per. day. Well, after 2 days I found that goal to be tough feat, so I shifted my perspective and internally vowed to blog every other day. That was going splendid until Saturday- when IT came, the disease that stole all of my blogging energy and connaître. I was left just Noe, an immobile, yet slightly slimmer corpse with a blank mind and upset stomach. After 5 days, I am almost back to my regular knowing self and I couldn't bear to let the blog sit in oblivion for an entire week. I am sorry to those who have worn brooches in their hair for the past 6 days and those who actually took my one post a day promise seriously. Take a shower and seek help.

So, the clothes. Do I have a small obsession with layering these awkward length camisoles over everything I wear? Yes, of course. Also, I have an obsession with the blue door pictured above. I will find that door again and take more photos against it (hopefully next time a creepy French construction worker won't need to use or just won't feel the need to laugh aloud at me and Kylie Monet again). The blue is the perfect jewel tone to go with my fall color scheme and match my fashion turban.

À bientôt!

1 comment:

  1. "I just can't see without my glasses!" = HYSTERICS!!!!!
