Thursday, October 13, 2011

pumpkin and the great white shark




Photos by Kylie Monet

le tee-shirt- SeaWorld et la jupe- vintage

Meet my first official purchase in France- this lovely skirt. I'm obsessed. I love the buttons. I love that I know it is orange, but everyone tells me it is red. I love that it looks like one of those really expensive American Apparel skirts, but it was from a small vintage store in Lyon, was pas cher, and has more interesting details. You'll be hearing more about this store and others soon. Anyhow, when this beautiful day presented itself, longing to adorned with orange, I had to ask the skirt, "What should I wear with you, pumpkin?" The skirt answered, "You know, I'm pretty into Great White Sharks." So there you have it. Why not wear a tee-shirt with a beautiful skirt, especially one complete with a scary open-mouthed shark? And did you think the fishtail braid was accidental? I think not. Take notes, kids. Now on those days when your torso is feeling lazy, but your legs want to party- you can please both. You're welcome.

And now the grand finale:


Who's workin' it harder in Lyon? Slouched-ass Noe Connaît or Black on black on black on black?


  1. black on black on black on black is one of my fav combos

  2. jus sayin, but u look good bb

  3. Your grand finale made me laugh. Sweet shirt! The skirt is definitely orange. You make me want to put more effort into what I wear

  4. omg, you did NOT just black on black on black that black!
    That skirt is pretty BA, notgonnalie.
