Photos of me taken by française Kylie
Again, this is a post about how to look somewhat presentable sans prendre une douche or for you anglophones- without taking a shower. I'm slowly learning the français way of life, therefore showering is optional. So, how to hide nasty locks of love? High pony and a brooch. Why not secure an attractive brooch to your ponytail holder? Everyone is doing it or maybe just me. Ladies or garçons with hair shoulder length or longer- go to your grandmother's house, find the raddest brooch in the antique vanity, clip it into your high ponytail, and use the time you should have spent showering to do something fun, like go to TacoBell.
On to more important things in my life:
Because I had a good 23 minutes to spare sans ma douche, I found myself in a bagel shop (don't pretend that hasn't happened to you). I ordered the "Vanille Chai avec lait" and what did I receive? Heavenly goodness reminiscent of Teazer World Tea Market Elephant Vanilla Chai. Needless to say, I teared up crossing the Rhône, mostly because my withdraws finally subsided.